Saturday, May 18, 2024

2nd Week...

2nd week of meeting him... I honestly want to meet him up more frequently because I really really really enjoy the time we spent together... It has been a long time since I have this love feelings... The more I think about him, the more I want to meet him... However, the more I tried to message him, the distance seems further when he never reply me... There are still a lot of things I wanna learn about him, hence my urge to meeting him up more seems reasonable... I have a lot of questions to ask... I have a lot of feelings to express... I have a lot of doubts to be cleared... The more I fell for him, the more hurtful as time goes by without knowing what he truly feels about me...

OK Joey... Stop overthinking stuff for now... When time comes, embrace yourself and ask the right question... Plus, this is quite new for him so it might take some time for him to digest as well... Plan something, spend more good times together, and enjoy the process...


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