Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry Christmas And Happy New Year~~~

Ok... I know is quite late to say Merry Christmas now... Hence, I will take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year... Wish that everyone of you have a good 2010 year ahead~~~

XD (Ya I know is too early to wish Happy New Year too... Just in case I forgot... :P)

All I want for Year 2010??? (M*****G!!!)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Baby Fish!!!

(Can you spot the tiny little baby fishy??? LOL...)

I'm kinda excited when I found out a Neon Tetra baby swimming in my aquarium... It seems that the baby fish is just few weeks old (because it can swim properly)... And now, I'm the Papa of them... LOL!!!

Oh well... I've said that I will post my fishes pics a long time ago... No worry... I will post them as soon as possible (but I will upload all the pics on my FB 1st... LOL...)

Enjoy :P

Friday, December 11, 2009

It's Been Ages...

Almost feels like 10 years I didn't blog... LOL... Oh well... Busy with assignments and coursework lately... Haha... Sure there will be a period of time I remain silence... However, I realise that the moment I have joined Facebook, my blog is abandoned... Haha... Feel so bad for making a blog... >.<

Anyway, life is fine so far... My fishes are still healthy... Just waiting for the Neon Tetras to pregnant... LOL!!!

Pray that my tetras will be pregnant ASAP~~~

Tata~~~ ^.^