Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It's An Off Day~~~

(This is what a called a scenery!!!)

Did you see the picture??? I would gladly say this is one of the most beautiful picture that I have took at Bimini for the second time which captures the moment of what a beautiful beach should look like... I think my photography skills are getting better... (Cehhh :P)

This picture somehow gives me the true feeling of a beach... Not sure if I will ever feel something similar like this at other beaches which I would like to go... However, this is definitely what a beach should be or feels like...
Bimini... Your beach has captured my heart completely... Hope I can visit you someday :)

And hope that my Cherating trip is going to be true LOL!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

8th Wife~~~

Welcoming my 8th wife to my family... Never been so excited and happy about it (ignoring the part where I need to OT yesterday night)... Nevertheless, it was awesome playing inFamous Second Son... Really love how fluent the game flows... Fast paced battle, loads of side quests and cool story line... And of course, the cutscenes' graphic is making me drooling :D

However, the bad thing about this game are repetitive side quests and it has a funny weird bug in the game (LOL I accidentally encountered it)... And surprisingly my PS4 get heated up quickly... Can feel the full force heat blasting out from the back of my PS4... This could only mean that I need to clean the fan regularly as the vents will easily trap dusts into it...

Diablo 3 Reapers of Souls will be out next week and I already took leave on weekdays just for it while I will utilize my weekends for my inFamous... Oh well... Full entertainment ahead ^.^

Wait talk about it, Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes is available in PS4 as well... Gotta get it once I'm done with inFamous >.<

Buy First Think Later is not a good habit to adapt but it does make you happier depending on how you adapt it :P

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Last Day In Nassau...

A moment ago I was here and preparing to fly over to Bimini... And now, I'm on my way back to Malaysia... Things just passes by too fast...

But at least one thing for sure... My training goes well and everything seems to be very smooth... Maybe because of this, I have to stuck in the airport for like total of 16 hours??? (6 hours in Nassau and 10 hours in Heathrow)... Sigh... Is rather depressing thinking about it...

Happy days in Bimini had passed... Now I have to endure the sad times... Pity me :'(

Seriously... Pity me... LOL!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Haze + No Water Supply?!?!?!

I realize how bad is it for my family and friends to face the haze and no water supply problem now in Malaysia... I mean, is not fun at all and of course I don't really want this to happen when I'm back to Malaysia... And my family is facing this challenge now... What can we do about it??? I really have no idea...

All I can do is hope and pray that the water supply is back first... As of haze, I don't think it will be that bad compared to having no water supply...

Please give back our water supply!!!!!!