Saturday, March 28, 2020

Movement Control Order (MCO)...

Since last week, we were in MCO whereby no citizen are allowed to leave their house (except buying necessities) in order to protect everyone from this Covid-19 virus... I mean, given that the rising cases of this issue in Malaysia, is right that everyone plays a part to keep whole Malaysia safe... And because of this MCO, we are required to work from home... I kinda enjoy this moment LOL!!!

Nothing much to update as of now... Or maybe, I'm too lazy to type so much...

Seems like I can't find him on April due to MCO :(

Sunday, March 8, 2020

When Life Is Perfect...

I've been longing for a perfect life... At least comfortable enough financially without any debts, has a nice house, a nice car, and someone to accompany you for the rest of your life... I've turned 30 and sadly to say, the next crisis are always waiting for me... Able to enjoy life without any worries would be something everyone hope for, not just me... But seeing people living a perfect life always make me wonder why I am still so far away from being like them... Not just in terms of wealth, they are absolutely gorgeous physically which leads to a good health... The time I've spent to achieve either wealth or health is not even close to what it seems... Stuggles are always there... Sadness never stops to engulf me... When I try to put an effort in achieving something, it can never go as planned... What is a perfect life to me??? When is the perfect comes to me??? When will I get my perfect life???

Hopefully the answer lies ahead sooner...

When will my sadness turns into happiness???

Monday, March 2, 2020

Busy Days Ahead...

Yes... It has been a month since I post something... My life is literally lifeless... Even if I got the time, I would use it to do something I want... So right that I have nothing to do now, I have decided to post something...

It will be too cumbersome for me to type what happened so far in my life via mobile... I would keep that for another day when I'm using a PC... However, today's post will be a picture post and be prepared for it!!!

Letme be frank... I have lose weight... Like a lot... I was supposed to bulk up and now I'm losing weight... This is going to be hard and difficult for me to catch up... What am I supposed to do???

When will I get my desired body??? T_T