Saturday, April 18, 2020

If I Am...

Whenever I accidentally browsed some hot guys picture, I ask myself why I can't be like them... Imagine when you are so hot and flaunt what you have... I want to have such attention but I do not dare to expose too much as well... In fact, I am no where close to flaunting anything and it tells me that I should not think so much about it as well...

Life is just as usual, with MCO extended for 2 more weeks... Need to cut my hair too... Miss my baby at Kuching... During MCO, it is best to spend with your love one... Plus I was planning to visit him during end of this month but this virus thingy spoilt my plans...

But one thing I am really happy for sure... I am very close to getting my house key, and prepare for renovation... Can't wait to see my beautiful house... Once I move in, I can enjoy my new life with my baby :D

Dear Covid-19, please end quickly so I can move in with my boyfriend T_T