Monday, July 22, 2024

My Concerns Nowadays...

I realise that my motivation to workout is declining recently... Although not to the extent of skipping gym completely (I still gym 3 times a week), I find it difficult to get myself together and move my ass to the gym as frequent as I used to be...

One thing is, for the past 2 years where I put so much effort to workout, I don't see much progress at all and this is probably one of the reason that demotivates me... Another reason is probably because I got bored with my routine...

Honestly, there are a few things I felt that contributes to the demotivation but at the same time, I try not to think it that way cause it doesn't sounds right... For example, my body tend to be very tired all the time but whenever I push myself to gym with that tired body, eventually I don't feel that tired and sometimes I ended up not being able to sleep at night... At this point, I'm not sure what's going through within my body...

But nevertheless, is not that I feel completely unhealthy or bad... Apart from the tiredness, I'm still able to function well XD

Is this the sign of me aging rapidly??? LOL...