Now... For those who does not know what a Chinchilla is, look at the pics above... OMG I'M FALLING IN LOVE WITH THEM AGAIN T____________T
Why... Why do I have to suffer this... T______T They are just too adorable and I really would like to have one but my house is really not suitable to keep them... My room is extremely hot and small... I really don't know what to do.... T___________T
So what can I do now??? Wait is all I ever can think of... Wait until the time comes... Booo :(
(After a million years, I'm posting some pics again... But I don't know why I'm falling in love with the Chins again... T_________T)
One of my wish is to know how to drive a car properly... Yes... Driving... Although I won't say that I'm a good driver, but at least now I am getting a hang out of it... I won't say or feel as if I'm very good in driving (as there are more better newbie drivers than me), but one of my wish is really hoping that I can drive like a normal person... However, I can't blame this... There are too many Malaysian drivers that drives madly... That is what I'm worried all the time... So this is how it goes:
Mad drivers in Malaysia - Unavoidable Zooming motorbikes - Everywhere (LOL) Traffic jams - Inevitable Misleading road signs - Scary Master my driving skills - That's what I'm doing now XD
Compared to all my other friends, they either have finished their P's, or those newly drivers are driving more often than I do... So, I really won't compare myself to anyone here... I will just take my time, slowly and master my driving skills ^.^
And now... I'm supposed to be worried about my upcoming 3rd year... OMG... This thing really making me worry more and more as my 3rd year is getting nearer >.<
No... I haven't went there yet... LOL... Is just that I'm going it very soon, like around early next month... This trip is not just for vacation purpose... The other main purpose is to visit our dear Singaporean friends over there... Haha...
Talk about Singapore, I went there when I was... Maybe secondary??? Not so sure... (LOL) Well... That is quite some time though... And this time, I am going with my uni friends~~~ *Yay* Trips with friends are usually much more fun... That's because we can do whatever we want :P
Anyway, I really hope that this trip will be successful... Hope everyone can make it ^.^
This is gonna be so freaking awesome!!! I can't believe Nokia has came out a smartphone that are slightly better than iPhone... Oh my... I just can't wait to get my hands on it... Seriously... This phone is gonna be a breakthrough for Nokia... Besides the cheap price, I can really say Nokia N8 will be most people's favourite from now on... Haha...
But in the end, I still love Nokia N8 to the end ^.^
That baby starts to annoy me... Every few minutes she will cry for no reason... Feel so tired... Exhausted... Stressed... And many more... The only way to heal all of these???