Sunday, December 15, 2013

Bimini On January!!!


To be honest, I am unsure if I will enjoy my 2nd trip to Bimini being alone again as I really have nothing much to do at all when I'm there... And what I understand is I have to do all the things myself from training, driving, checking on things, figure things out, etc etc etc and like ONE HELL A LOT OF THINGS... Think about it again, it kinda scared me off because even if I would like to swim at the beach, I must consider twice as I'm unsure if this will be safe going there alone... I can honestly feel that I won't get to enjoy much over there and hopefully my 3DS is able to accompany me throughout the training...

Frankly speaking, there are still a lot of things unprepared for this trip... I suggested to go on February but it seems like my suggestion got rejected... Then, I wanted to go Miami more than Bimini and there were totally no chance for Miami now... It's just... Too... Sad... :'(

If people say I should be grateful for being able to go there twice, I will tell them:

"Once is fine... And for the 2nd time, it will be as bored as hell"

I am willingly to give my opportunity to other people... Am I being too greedy somehow??? >.<

Still, I prefer Miami in this case :S

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