Sunday, December 4, 2022

Missing In Action...

I knew it has been a long time since I post anything and this is why I reminded myself to post at least something today xD

It was really hectic for me since I changed to my new job... There are a lot of things I need to follow up and at the same time, busy with my life... On top of that, a lot of things happened during the last 2 months and I will just list it down instead of writing a long ass story about it (cause I ain't have time for that lol)

  1. Up and downs with my new job - It was not difficult yet it wasn't easy as well due to someone... Will write more about this if I have time...
  2. Fell sick twice within a week - I never experienced something like this before... Of course am I fully recovered by now but it definitely felt something new to me lol...
  3. Recovered from my STD - This thing has been bugging me for the longest time since I got it... At least now, I know I am recovered from it and being inactive which is definitely a good sign... I can live my life normally now...
  4. Gym hiatus - Since I got sick twice a month ago, I decided to put a stop on it temporarily... During the Covid pandemic, I stopped gym for a month and when I started back, I see more gains than continuously gym for few months straight... Hence, I have decided to prove if this really works lolz
  5. Perfumery - Thanks to my housemate, my interest on learning perfume stuff is being triggered... Funny thing is my housemate did a tarot reading for me related with my perfume business and it was all so positive... Not sure how true is this though XD

These are the major stuff that had happened to me for the last 2 months... Too much to cope, but one thing for sure is I am living my life happier now... Saying bye bye to my depressed life :D

Strive to be your better self and aim for what you want for your life!!!


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