Saturday, April 15, 2017

Letting Go...

First off, I am absolutely glad that I am catching up with my work... Previously, I fall behind by a lot and I was kinda worried... But now, things working out fine and my job gets more entertaining with two interns working for me... It feels like I have a new toy to play with lolz (JK)...

Second, it seems like my hype for working at Wellington slowly dies off... Since I did some calculation, even with 3 times currency value, I felt that I could not earn a lot... Due to the fact that they have high income tax and I have to spend quite some money to prepare myself if I'm going there, it turns out to be not so feasible at all... Hence, I will continue and see how thing goes off from here...

Nothing much interesting events going on in my life recently... Well, I am definitely planning my next beach/island trip which I will be going around May :P

Keep moving on...

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