Monday, November 30, 2020

Quick Update...

Ok... First of all, I've been very busy with work even though I'm working from home... Probably this will last for the next few weeks or even early next year... Although so far I'm still able to cope with it, but I could not deny the fact that working from home made me less motivating and less efficient on doing my work... Honestly, I prefer to work in the office more... Given the situation didn't get any better (as in the pandemic), working in the office will just be a dream... Now move on to the next thing I want to talk about more...

For the first time in my entire life, I bought myself a tank top and put it on... I have to say I am still not so used to it yet cause I never wear any sleeveless shirt since I was young... I wanted to try wearing sleeveless for a very long time just for the sake of trying... Frankly speaking I feel comfortable wearing tank top while working out but I just feel that I am attracting a lot of attentions from other people which makes me feel less comfortable at the same time... Maybe it was just me overthinking xD

Nevertheless, I can check off one of my goal which is to wear sleeveless shirt... I will try my best to wear this shirt to the gym more frequently...

I'm so out of shape now T_____T


  1. Still look buff to me... I’m not in my best shape either, if that makes you feel better... lol
