Lol... Lately I have installed two new games... Firstly, is this game, Warhammer 40k: Dawn Of War II (or WH 40k: DOW 2) and another one is The Last Remnant, by the Japan most famous game company, and my favorite game company, Square-Enix... Eventually for today, I am only able to talk about DOW 2 because I havent finish fully check The Last Remnant game yet...
Ok... To begin with, DOW 2 is a Real Time Strategy (RTS) game developed by... I know is quite a few game company... Lol... This game is fun because of 3 primary thing that attracts me to play it...
First of all, I really love the units and heroes graphic details that are used for this game... The details of each and every units is attractive enough to caught my attention and made me try it... When i tried to zoom to the nearest of the units, it seems like the units are precisely drawn with perfect details on it, especially those Tyranids... As you can see from the pic, the Tyranids are the alien-look units... Don't you feel that it is well drawn??? LOL... Actually, besides Tyranids, the other races units' are quite detail too... Haha~~~
Ok... The second thing that this game attracts me is the races... Basically, there are total of 4 races... Space Marines, Orks, Eldar and Tyranid... Each of the race has 3 heroes, but only can choose one of it and once you chose it, you can't change the hero you have picked... Each of the units has their own theme, own type of units, own type of abilities, and even own type of special powers... For example, the theme for Eldar race are mostly based on time warp and teleportation, which made them the best hit and run units that other races can hardly chase after them... As for Orks, the units are based on damage dealing, which is quite fun to play with sometimes... As for Space Marines, I'm not really sure because I never use it before... (Not interested to use it... Lol...) And lastly, the Tyranids, my favourite which is similar to Zerg from StarCraft... Afterall, the heroes from each races actually has the biggest attraction for me to try the game out as each of the heroes has their own abilities and special powers...
The last thing eventually is the most interesthing features that attracts me to like this game... Which are the upgrades that available for both heroes and units... RTS game such as Warcraft where you can have heroes items are based on fixed item provided from mobs and shops... However in DOW 2, the items that each hero can wield or equip are actually different... Yes!!! Each hero has different equipments!!! Which make me feel quite special... In Warcraft, when you collect the strongest item, you are partially strongest among other opponent heroes... But as for DOW 2, there is no strongest or weakest items available for each heroes... In fact, each items provided has its abilities and advantages such as it can deal extra damage while camouflage, or able to cause units to be surpressed, and many many more which I can't remember as there is really too many of them... Basically, in this game, the item you give to your hero is a key of winning in the game too... Not just by relying to your heroes, your units plays an important role too as each of your units has different upgrades for them... Usually from what we seen, heroes usually has the advantages of upgrades or item wielding... But in this game, each and every units has their own upgrades that able to support you on the battle... There are lots of possible combination of items for your heroes and you can even manage your units to be anti-vehicle or anti-infantry types of units in the battlefield... And yes... You can even change the equipment of your hero or units on the spot while you were engaging in a war too... Is like you can change your strategy while you were battling... It makes the game more intense and of course, brain juice consuming... Lol~~~
Oh... It seems that the last point is the main point that attracts me to like this game so much... It is not a bad game overall as it gives you a different feeling of RTS game... Unfortunately, the big pulldown of this game to me is the population limitation, where they give you 100 population only while each unit you build cost more than 10 population... Besides, this game lacks of upgrades for the units... In the new update patch, I hope they will provide more things for the units and the population of course!!! Hehe~~~
Thats all for today's game review from me, Warhammer 40k: Dawn Of War II... I will continue with my review of my second new game as I have understand about the game further... Hehe~~~