Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Perfume's Past...

Watched the past of Perfume at Youtube... Actually, they have been working hard since they were 14 years old... Never thought of how much hard time they went through just to get themselves famous, climbing up to the top music chart... Seriously... It is quite surprising... They even show A-Chan cried in some of the video shots when they were young... They promote themselves by performing small performances around Tokyo... They even sent out flyers to promote their albums...

There is one video showing them doing a performance at a corner of an Apple store somewhere in Japan (couldn't remember which part of Japan)... Is like, Oh My God... That corner is REALLY A SMALL CORNER... I mean I really couldn't imagine how much time and energy they spent just to promote their album...

Not to pity them but their efforts are really worth admired... If you do not know who is Perfume, it is alright... But at least try to Youtube for some of their music videos cause both of their songs and choreographs are nice to listen and watch at...

パフューム~~~ Ganbatte ne~~~

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