Friday, October 9, 2020

Lovesick Girlsss~~~

I guess I'm a little bit late on posting this but damnnnnnnn this song is a jammmmm... As for their album, I would say out of 8 songs, I love 5 of them which indicates that this is a good album...

Now back to my daily updates... My renovations are almost complete (left with some minor stuffs) and I think I am ready to move in once I got my furniture in as well (hopefully by end of this month)... Need to buy some mirrors from IKEA and towel racks to be installed on my bathroom... I am still considering what mirror I should get for my bedroom... Currently I don't need any kitchen racks but probably what I need are those cutlery baskets... Or maybe knife holder... Or maybe cup holders... Oh wait what about my curtains??? Bed sheets??? Pillow covers??? Ok shit now I guess I have to spend more T____T

Why I got no money T______T


  1. Do housewarming. Give me your wish list and I’ll pick and give as housewarming present lo hahaha
