Thursday, April 16, 2009

At Last... My Biggest Burden Is Gone!!!

Oh geez... I'm really glad and proud to say that part of my burden and obstacle for this semester is gone... Eventually, it was my group assignment where we have to remake or redesign one of our uni's website... In this assignment, we are required to write a report about the and make the new website interface again to show to our lecturer... However, the whole report was done by our porject manager infact (LOL!)... Still, I have done the website partially... After today's presentation and handling the report to the lecturer, I feel much more relax...

But haih... There is still 1 more coursework that I have to complete, which is ANOTHER website designing coursework... When I think back, seriously, It seems like I have to do AT LEAST ONE website design for EACH semester SINCE foundation... Which is the total of 5 website designing I have done include this last semester for Year 1... Swt... I started to feel website designing is boring... It seems like I just can't run away from website designing for the next 2 coming year in my course... (=.=)"

No matter what, I must spend this 1 or 2 days relaxing before I start my new website design again... Have to clear my brain as if I haven't done any website designing lately... :P

Ok... Time to delete ISE (My today's presentation assignment) from my brain now...

(: )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Deletion complete...

Gotta play games 24 hours for today... Hehe~~~

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